Sdílení zkušeností s realizací projektů MSCA

18.-19. března 2021 se uskuteční MSCA Cluster Event on Cancer R&I. Jedná se o sdílení zkušeností, výsledků projektů MSCA v oblasti boje s rakovinou. 

15. 3. 2021

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První výzvy (Postdoctoral fellowships, dříve známé jako Individual Fellowships), by měly být zveřejněny 15. dubna 2021.

The presentations and discussions between the participants aim to:
- showcase the excellence of MSCA researchers and their contribution to the state of the art of research and innovation related to cancer;
- promote discussion and get a better understanding of current obstacles in fighting cancer
- provide coordinated input to the relevant EU policy-making services;
- enhance synergies among projects based on new scientific insights and stimulate networking opportunities, with an emphasis among MSCA Fellows.
Topics addressed include diagnostics support to clinicians, immunotherapy, drug development and therapy, prevention/personalized medicine and quality of life of patients and survivors. Moreover, five panel discussions and poster sessions will engage participants in discussions relevant for both scientific and policy aspects of cancer research and innovation. In a final policy roundtable, representatives from different DGs and EC Institutions will share their reflections on the EU contributions to the fight against cancer and the funding opportunities for cancer R&I.

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