Please send your abstract in .doc, .docx or .rtf formate as a clipboard of your e-mail to Graphs should be enclosed into abstract, .xls or .jpg formates etc. won´t be accepted.
For structure of your abstract please use following headings (don´t write the name of the headings in your abstract):
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
Abstract (maximum of 2000 characters, without spaces) must be written in Czech/Slovak or English language. Do not use greek letters. Spelling guidelines: only common abbreviations can be used without definition. Authors have full responsibility for used grammar.
Title: maximum 250 characters. Don´t use bold or underlined writting.
Names of authors write as in following sample:
J. Novák (1), V. Nováková (2), F. Nováček (1,2)
Name of the institution, city and state:
(1)Mikrobiologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity, Brno, CZ;
(2)Mikrobiologický ústav Slovenské akademie věd, Bratislava, SK