The support of effective cooperation of biomedicine disciplines
Masaryk University and BUT Brno with the application sector participation 2009 - 2012

Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme
Priority Axis: Tertiary Education, Research and Development     Area of Support: Partnership and networks

Three higher education institutions are participating on this project

Faculty of Medicine Masaryk University Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno University of Technology
Faculty of Medicine
Masaryk University
Faculty of Science
Masaryk University
Brno University
of Technology

with the application domain representatives

Brno University Hospital Roche Ltd., Diagnostic Division
Brno University Hospital Roche Ltd., Diagnostic Division

The project if focused on Biomedical education and its practical application.

The goal of this project is trough setting mutual communication, information exchange and application domain involvement improve the key competencies, creativity and competitiveness of graduates to rise their ability to enter the labor market.

Partneři projektu

Faculty of Medicine Masaryk University Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno University of Technology Roche Fakultní nemocnice Brno
This project is co financed by European Social Fund and Czech Republic State Budget.