Počet publikací: 245
Plain Language vs Standard Format for Youth Understanding of COVID-19 Recommendations A Randomized Clinical Trial
JAMA PEDIATRICS, rok: 2023, ročník: 177, vydání: 9, DOI
Postdischarge telephone follow-up among chronic disease patients discharged from a vascular surgery service: a best practice implementation project
JBI EVIDENCE IMPLEMENTATION, rok: 2023, ročník: 21, vydání: S1, DOI
Providing a scaffold for considering theoretical frameworks in evidence implementation projects: the JBI approach to evidence implementation
JBI EVIDENCE IMPLEMENTATION, rok: 2023, ročník: 21, vydání: 4, DOI
Revising the JBI quantitative critical appraisal tools to improve their applicability: an overview of methods and the development process
JBI Evidence Synthesis, rok: 2023, ročník: 21, vydání: 3, DOI
The Difference in the Creativity of People Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Those with Typical Hearing: A Scoping Review
Children-Basel, rok: 2023, ročník: 10, vydání: 8, DOI
The innovative concept of teaching Evidence-Based Approaches to teachers
Rok: 2023, druh: Další prezentace na konferencích
The revised JBI critical appraisal tool for the assessment of risk of bias for randomized controlled trials
JBI Evidence Synthesis, rok: 2023, ročník: 21, vydání: 3, DOI
A framework for identifying and developing actionable statements: what it is and how to use it
Rok: 2022, druh: Uspořádání workshopu
A multistakeholder development process to prioritize and translate COVID-19 health recommendations for patients, caregivers and the public. A case study of the COVID-19 recommendation map
Journal of clinical epidemiology, rok: 2022, ročník: 148, vydání: August 2022, DOI
A Systematic Review of Cost-effectiveness Analyses of Durvalumab Consolidation Therapy Versus no Consolidation Therapy After Chemoradiotherapy in Stage-III NSCLC
Rok: 2022, druh: Konferenční abstrakty