Actions of a Shaken Heart: Interoception Interacts with Action Processing

Bečev O, Kozáková E, Sakálošová L, Mareček R, Majchrowicz B, Roman R, Brázdil

Biol Psychol. 2022 Feb 7:108288. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2022.108288. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35143921.


16 Feb 2022

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In the present study, we investigated the modulatory influence of the unconscious, bodily arousal on motor-related embodied information. Specifically, we examined how the interoceptive prediction error interacts with the event-related potentials linked to action-effect processing. Participants were asked to perform a task with self-initiated or externally-triggered sounds while receiving synchronous or false auditory cardiac feedback. The results found that interaction of interoceptive manipulation and action-effect processing modulates the frontal subcomponent of the P3 response. During the synchronous cardiac feedback, the P3 response to self-initiated tones was enhanced. During the false cardiac feedback, the frontal cortical response was reversed. N1 and P2 components were affected by the interoceptive manipulation, but not by the interaction of interoception and action processing. These findings provide experimental support for the theoretical accounts of the interaction between interoception and action processing within a framework of predictive coding, manifested particularly in the higher stages of action processing.

Keywords: action-effect processing; agency; event-related potentials (ERP); interoception; motor prediction; predictive coding; sensory attenuation.

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