snímek PPT
B: “Minimal changes” GN = lipoid nephrosis: some mesangial proliferation, edematous podocytes, fusion (“loss”) of their foot processes
C: Intracapillary mesangial proliferative GN: proliferation of endothelia and mesangium, peeling off of enthelial cells from the GBM, duplication of GBM, “humps” formed by immunocomplexes
D: Crescentic GN: proliferation of all components (aggressive white cells, endo- and epithelia, mesangium, epitheloid and giant cells), leakage of fibrin. Hypersensitivity reaction type II or IV
E: Membranous GN: Precipitation of immunoglobulins on the outer surface of the GBM (“spikes” ? complete incorporation of Ig into the membrane)
F: Proliferative sclerotizing GN: advanced mesangial proliferation ? narrowing and destruction of capillaries