Grantnews 5 are here!

Grant Office FM MU  |  16 Aug 2022, 12:43  |  Čeština


Dear colleagues,
we are back with more news from the grants world and current funding opportunities.

If interested, please get in touch.
The team of the Grant Office FM MU is here for you.


Would you like to post an interesting information for non-professional or scientific community? Are you preparing a conference, workshop or seminar and would like to make the event public?

At the MUNI Employee Portal you will find instructions on communication, PR or graphic services. You can enter your request into a simple form. For example, you can ask to have information published on FM MU website or social networks, your business cards created, professional photo/video documentation or website presentation. On the portal you can also find document templates or model graphical outputs which can be prepared in cooperation with the Webstudio team of IBA FM MU. You can also contact the graphic team via


MED MUNI is the 1st institution presenting in Autumn SPARK Europe Webinar Series

Daniel Schwarz and Marika Chrápavá from Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses FM MU will talk about Non-Interventional Studies: building and broadening the value story.
For online webinar register here.


Are you a first-year doctoral student at FM MU? Don´t miss the opportunity to get CZK 100 000 per year to fund your project!

Sign up for Brno PhD talent competition. The competition will be open on 1st September 2022.
Details here.

Grants week

Find out all you need to know about international research funding

Are you working in research and innovation? Are you looking for more information on Horizon Europe? You need to joint us at the Grants Week 2022!
Registration for the hybrid conference is open GRANTS WEEK (19. - 20. 9. 2022).


You still have the opportunity to apply for funding your cooperation with Germany, Austria, USA or Switzerland via bilateral LA grants GACR

Contact us and we will prepare a project proposal together.

We wish you a wonderful rest of summer holidays.

We look forward to working with you again!
Your Grant Office

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Masaryk University
