Grantnews 26 are here!

Grant Office FM MU  |  15 Aug 2023, 16:49  |  Čeština


Dear colleagues,
we are back with more news from the grants world and current funding opportunities.

If interested, please get in touch.
The team of the Grant Office FM MU is here for you.


Would you like to learn more about the upcoming calls of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR)?

Attend REGON on 6th September 2023 (online or physically). More information and registration here.


TA CR has published preliminary parameters for the call TREND Programme, sub-programme 2 - "Newcomers"

The public competition is aimed at the start-up of own research and development activities of enterprises that have not yet implemented their own R&D activities or purchase of R&D services from research organisations on a regular basis. The announcement is scheduled for 4th October 2023. More information can be found here.

GA CR, LA grants

GA CR keeps on supporting international cooperation

You can continuously submit projects with the US, Austria and Germany. With Switzerland until 9th October 2023. More information at

MSCA Cofund

Chance to bring international students into your team and get a funding!

Please contact


Learn how foreign researchers cope with settling in Czech Republic

Czexpats in Science invite you to Summer meetup at CEITEC on Thursday 31st August 2023 at 1 p.m.


What about children, do they have a place to play?

Are you trying to combine your research work with childcare? You can apply for the Martina Roeslová Memorial Grant and receive a scholarship of 150 thousand CZK for 1 year. More information here.

CONFERENCE Conference: Connecting research and business

The conference will offer a unique meeting of representatives from science and business who will exchange their experience in the development of new drugs, diagnostics, medical technologies and other areas of biotechnology. It is intended for academics, investors and industry representatives from all over Central Europe. It will be held on 26th September 2023. More information and registration here.


58 submitted AZV proposals at the Faculty of Medicine in June

We had 34 proposals with FM as main investigator and 24 with FM in the role of co-investigator. We keep our fingers crossed!

Have a wonderful rest of the Summer!

We look forward to working with you again!
Your Grant Office

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