Dear colleagues, we are back with more news from the grants world and current funding opportunities.
If interested, please get in touch. The team of the Grant Office FM MU is here for you.
Seminar with GA CR chairman on 1st March 2023
You will learn about GA CR grant possibilities and news from prof. Petr Baldrian, the chairman. Register for online attendance here. (Czech only)
Grant office
We had another pleasant breakfast with researchers today
This time our breakfast was intended for former IGA (MU Internal Grant Agency) investigators, to whom we provided a survey of the support services of our Grant Office and Office for Research and Quality as well as possibilities of further funding.
Are you interested in ERC?
Please register for information session„ All you wanted to know about ERC but were afraid to ask“, which will take place on 8th March 2023. More information here.
Congratulations to successfull AZV applicants
There are 11 successfull aplicants at the Faculty of Medicine. Our congratulations go to future principal investigators: doc. Jan Juřica, doc. Petr Vaňhara, Dr. Ondřej Peš, prof. Andrea Pokorná, Dr. Pavel Krejčí and co-investigators: prof. Michal Masařík, Dr. Kamil Ďuriš, Dr. Pavla Linhartová, Dr. Kateřina Vymazalová, doc. Marek Joukal and doc. Renáta Karpíšková. We wish you a smooth implementation.
Interreg Europe and Interreg Central Europe Infoday
On 3rd March 2023 we will attend an infoday for applicants interested in new Interreg Europe and Interreg Central Europe calls. Then we will be able to present you more details, deadlines and support.
Funding of cancer research
A small UK charity Worldwide Cancer Research offers the funding of three-year grants of fundamental and translational cancer research amounting up to £275,000 per grant. Deadline for applications is on 31st March 2023. More information here or contact us on
We wish a calm start of March.
We look forward to working with you again! Your Grant Office