Grantnews 11 are here!

Grant Office FM MU  |  15 Nov 2022, 15:20  |  Čeština


Dear colleagues,
we are back with more news from the grants world and current funding opportunities.

If interested, please get in touch.
The team of the Grant Office FM MU is here for you.


Invite U.S. academic or established professional to FM MU

Fulbright Specialist offers two- to six-week exchanges for U.S. established professionals at host institutions in CR. They can deliver lectures, attend workshops, specialized academic programmes, conferences or conduct them. The programme is not intended for individual research. Deadline: 30th November 2022. More information here.


New obligation to develop data management plans in your projects

There is a new Amendment to Act No. 130/2002 Coll. introducing a new obligation for all public tenders, international calls and public contracts in research, development and innovation launched after 1st September 2022 to develop Data management plans. This issue was subject of November REGON (presentation, video record) and Research Data Management seminar held last week at the Faculty of Medicine. For more information please contact our colleague Tereza Miškechova. We are ready to assist you during your grant proposal submissions.


The Open Science Strategy at MU for years 2022 – 2028

MU management adopted the Open Science Strategy MU 2022 – 2028 on 1st November 2022. More information here.


Would you like to develop cooperation with partners in social sciences, humanities or arts?

Within TA CR SIGMA you can apply for projects that support the use of innovative potential of social sciences, humanities or arts in applied research and innovation. Deadline: 14th December 2022. Please contact us at


We will fill in the sustainable development goals in your ongoing projects for you

At the moment there is no need to fill in anything in the ISEP system for the ongoing projects. We will address the obligation to comment on the sustainable development goals with you only for newly submitted projects. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Jitka Blažková.

Internal projects

Invite your foreign colleagues – teachers to FM MU

You can apply for CZK 30,000 to cover the costs associated with the visit of foreign teachers to FM MU. Send your requests via this form until 25th November 2022. If necessary, please contact Dana Juřenčáková.

Grand office

Spend your annual budgets in time and save the spirit of Christmas 😊

We wish you a sunny November.

We look forward to working with you again!
Your Grant Office

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Masaryk University
