
Graduation Ceremony

The graduation ceremony will take place on 24 June 2024

Graduation Programme

  • The gathering stands up

  • Fanfares for the graduates

    The beadle takes the graduates to their places according to the fixed order and comes back. He brings the Dean (Vice-dean) and the Promotor, then the Rector (Pro-rector), and then stands in the fixed place.

  • Everybody remains standing

  • National anthem

    After the anthem has finished, the officials (along with everybody else) take their seats.

  • Introduction of the officials

    (by head of Dept. of Study Affairs)

  • Dean (Vice-dean) of the Faculty

    “Your Magnificence the Rector (Pro-rector), Honorabilis the Promotor, dear graduates, dear guests:”

    “I am opening the festive graduation ceremony of the graduates of regular daily studies of the discipline of General Medicine (Stomatology) at the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University in Brno ...” the Dean’s speech follows.

    “Allow me to introduce the graduates to you.” He reads the names of the graduates from the list enclosed.

    When the graduates hear their names being read, they mount the platform and make a bow first to the Rector (Pro-rector), and then to the public.

    The Dean closes his speech:

    “Your Magnificence the Rector (Pro-rector), the graduates who have been introduced to you have duly fulfilled the prescribed academic studies closed by a successful passing of the State Final Examination. By doing so, they have complied with all the lawful stipulations that are prescribed for the attainment of the degree of “Doctor of Medicine”, and may therefore, after taking an oath, receive the degree certificate of Doctor of Medicine. I ask you now to give your consent to the performance of the graduation act.”

  • Rector (Pro-rector)

    “Thank you for the introduction ...”, etc. (the Rector’s speech follows) ..., and he closes his speech by saying: “I now ask you, Honorabilis the Promotor, to assume the performance of the festive act of graduation.”

  • The Promotor

    comes to the desk and reads the text:

    “Dear Doctorands ..., which you are supposed to receive.” (the gathering stands up)

    “Spondebitis igitur ... spondebitis ac pollicebimini”. (the gathering sits down)

  • Taking the oath

    • the beadle with the insignia steps forward in front of the Rector (Pro-rector), he dips the insignia;
    • the graduates step forward in front of the Rector (Pro-rector), place their right hand over the insignia and by saying aloud “spondeo ac polliceor” acknowledge theiroath.
  • The promotor continues

    “Qua fide ... of the University seal.”

  • Presentation of degree certificates

    The Promotor comes to the table with the certificates, reads the names with the degree of MUDr., and presents the certificates to the graduates.

  • Thank-you speech of the graduates’ representativ

  • The anthem Gaudeamus igitur

    the gathering stands up

  • Fanfares sound

    The Rector (Pro-rector), the Dean (Vice-dean) and the Promotor congratulate the doctors, make a bow to the public, and are led by the beadles from the platform.

    The graduates follow at a distance behind them.

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