Andrea Noer Thuroczy

Country: Norway
General Medicine
Level of study: Long-cycle Master's

What experiences make you a great ambassador?

Styding abroad presents its own challenges, and tackling one of the most demanding degrees doesn’t make it any easier. Over my years here, I’ve encountered both personal and academic obstacles, navigating through highs and lows. I have greatly benefited from the guidance and help provided by other students. Their insights, experience, knowledge, and support have played an important role in shaping my journey here. As the newly appointed Norwegian student ambassador, while simultaneously representing the Association of Norwegian Students Abroad (ANSA), I am dedicated to paying it forward by providing similar support and assistance to my fellow students.

What advice would you give to new students?

When everything feels new and there is a sense of not knowing enough, it is natural to place immense pressure on oneself. In the first years of my studies, I experienced this, resulting in me isolating from social activities to prioritize studying. Looking back, my advice is to embrace social opportunities. Explore Brno, hang out with friends, sign up for that sport you’ve always wanted to try out! These years are irreplaceable, and while exams are important, finding balance enriches the overall experience.

What do you love most about Brno?

Coming from a relatively small, quiet town in Norway, I am in love with the atmosphere here in Brno. As soon as the sun is out, the streets come alive with people just enjoying themselves. Whether it’s savouring an ice cream from Ještě Jednou, soaking up rays by the fountain on Náměsti Svobody, or lying under a tree in Lužánky with a good book, there is always something nice to do.

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